death2live But my S3 has lost it's HELP - I can't BURN a 2764 death2live extract from helpinfo files
"But my S3 has lost it's HELP - I can't BURN a 2764"

There is another method of installing a HELP ROM into S3, which doesn't
involve actually BURNing an EPROM, which makes use of an undocumented S3
command, and is described below:

A. Download S3HELP25.HEX into S3, and perform a checksum of RAM, as
described in sections 1 & 2 respectively.

B. Press ESC, and an asterisk should appear.  Now press HELP.  S3 should
display the following:


This command is called User to Help.  It transfers data from USER RAM into
the HELP RAM.  There are three blocks of code which need to be transferred
to the USER RAM.  The HELP code can't be transferred in one go, as reserved
areas of HELP RAM would be corrupted, and S3 would crash.  The addresses of
these blocks are as follows:

        1. E000-FD4F
        2. FE50-FEFF
        3. FF02-FFFF

Enter the first set of addresses, and press ENTER.  Now press ESC-HELP and
enter the second set.  Do the same with the third set.  S3's screen should
look as follows:

*UH E000,FD4F 

You will notice that the prompt symbol ">" doesn't appear after entering the
third set of addresses.

C. Now switch S3 OFF and then back ON, and the HELP ROM should introduce
itself thus:


If this message doesn't appear, or S3 crashes, the S3HELP25.HEX file
probably wasn't downloaded correctly, or the incorrect addresses were
entered in the UH command.

If you experience any difficulties installing your HELP ROM, please call
Dataman's Technical Support department.

Dataman Programmers Ltd
Station Road
Maiden Newton
United Kingdom

Tel: +44/0 1300 320719
Fax: +44/0 1300 321012
BBS: +44/0 1300 321095

GPC 15th March 1995 Dataman Programmers Ltd E&OE