The dataman s3 eprom
programmer is an old programmer for
, and other devices S3 This programmer
is not yet maintained by dataman but is still very useable architecture dataman s3 (pdf). Information, devices
and files, can be still gracely found on dataman web site.
The Dataman S4 replace this programmer and can be found on
dataman web site
Devices that can be programmed by S4 (list not limited, consult dataman web
site as devices are be added) devices S4
rs232 cable
To connect the dataman S3 with the computer a serial rs232 cable is needed,
you can solder your own rs232 cable or buy it
if it still sold by dataman.
You can emulate eproms with an emulead emulead
pdf that take place of the component on the board.
Then you can test
before burning in eprom.
When i bought this old eprom programmer the batteries ( NiCd ) was dead,
something was draining the energy so it loose memory (and help system ),
i had no notice for it, and no charger for the batteries.
I download software, information and receive a mail from dataman to made the
cable and this device come once more to live.
howto death2live
I use linux operating system so i try to use the dataman S3 with my
computer. The software from dataman is a dos prog to use within dos or dos
command winthin windows98 and last dataman S4 use windows.
As unix philosophy prefer many mini progs, so i try to see this dataman
s3 and its cable as a terminal to send to and to receive from command and/or
data from.
To send an hex file to datamanS3
minicom terminal is a Linux program than
can be use as a terminal to dial modem. Hayes modem have a set of command AT
to send/receive commands, so i figure that these program can be use with
dataman commands.
install minicom ctrl^A-Z 9600-8n1 DATAMAN S3 HELP 2.5 commands with minicom example hex files format end that is beginning cooking-burning.. devices...
Other eprom/devices programmer
it is just to put dataman in receive mode,
once it has been is configured for the device (press entr/receive)
then to copy from PC to dataman, 'cp
To install minicom
program, you follow linux usages, after downloading from ftp, or from cdrom,
as i use debian distribution so with "apt-get install minicom" or with
"dselect" you install minicom.
After minicom is launch you have to configure it.
You press ctrl^A-Z (press key ctrl with key A then press Z)
³ Minicom Command Summary ³
Compi³ Commands can be called by CTRL-A
then you have to configure the stream in the rs232 cable, if it talk to fast
to then you get garbage on the screen.
Press "P" terminal setting, then "E" (speed) then "Q" that do 8-N-1.
speed 9600 mean 9600 bits/seconds on the cable, 8 bits transmission, no
parity (odd) and 1 bit stop. You can find more info with google "serial
comm" and "teletype" or with
Welcome to minicom 1.83.1
[Comm Parameters]
OPTIONS: History Buf I18n
Compiled on Nov 21 2 Current: 9600 8N1
Press CTRL-A Z for h Speed Parity Data
A: 300 L: None S: 5
B: 1200 M: Even T: 6
C: 2400 N: Odd U: 7
D: 4800 O: Mark V: 8
E: 9600 P: Space
F: 19200 Stopbits
G: 38400 W: 1
H: 57600 X: 2
I: 115200 Q: 8-N-1
J: 230400 R: 7-E-1
Choice, or
If all things correct then switch on dataman S3 and
the followin message appear within minicom terminal.
(In case you need a Help2.5 eprom 2764 or other help rom
and you don't find it elsewhere e-shop)
Then you can send command to dataman S3, (note that it accept only
capitalized command, and correct syntax).
>S-ASCII 0000,3000
>RE receive from pc to S3 ram
BU Burn an eprom
Files that are send/receive to/from dataman S3 need
to meet intel-hex, mortorola-s, ascii or tektronix format to
be properly upload in S3.
Info about this format can be find here
or in s3manual pdf
Then you can begin cooking eprom, and progs with that nice device.
The data you send to s3dataman can be done by hand, from an advance program
that put it in intel file hex (that mean hexadecimal), like asl
assembler that do the job for you.
If you can't get a S3, or S4 (dataman end selling S4 year 2004)
you may search for other eprom programmer, or build one.
(within ebay auctions, yahoo or google with "eprom programmer"
faq eprogrammer
willem eprogrammer